5 Reasons To Have A Vacation Post-Pandemic

We all are currently forced to be trapped in our homes and we have to do it because it will curb the spread of the virus and break the chain, so that everything can become normal again.

So before discussing the reason we need to discuss the problems that are caused while we are trapped in our home.

Some of the problems are:

1.      Stress

2.      Health

3.      Productivity

4.      New Vistas

5.      Learning and Creativity


1.  Stress

When you are sitting in your home in lockdown and then go out for something (essential goods) to buy, you need to wear that mask though I agree it is very important now a day’s, but it too has its own demerits and tensed by the situation which is overly advertised by the news channels in our places has made all of us very much stressed.


2.  Health

     Health does not mean that you are fit, and you do not have any disease health is the mixed answer of      your mental and physical health. During these times of pandemic, we might be doing various                  workouts (some might still not be doing it) but all the chaos of the pandemic have led us to greater         mental stress which is not good for our overall health.


3.  Productivity

Productivity too has seen a dip due to the same boring and frustrating routine of many of us and with a bad and boring routine we might see our productivity and focus span going down and not seeing an uptrend again.


4.  New Vistas

When we go out and visit new places, we don’t explore only new places, but we also get to know about new people, culture, language and many more, but due to the pandemic we all are stuck at our places and see all those boring faces (might be your loved ones or your irresponsible roommate) every day.


5.  Learning and Creativity

When we travel to a new location and meet new people and get our daily boring routine and see a change in our and make memories it results in your growth of your learning and creativity which is greatly hindered by the pandemic and work from home.


Let’s Talk About Solutions

We all know about these problems but what could be its solution we all might wonder? The simple solution to these problems is travelling. But Sometimes travelling in the wrong ways might not solve your problem.


Some Correct Ways To Travel

1.  Travelling for short intervals but more than twice a year.

When we hear about travelling we start planning about long trips but the things we need to keep in mind are we need trips that are like naps from our daily routine which need to be short and sweet.

2.  Travelling with gadgets(Like Smartphone, Laptop, etc.)

 Some people travel and click the picture in their phone or camera to remember that experience but we need to keep that very limited because we are usually surrounded by gadgets every day-to-day life and cutting off your social media during your vacation is very good.

3.  Travelling with a proper plan

 Travelling without any plan can lead to various problems and therefore it is always advised to have a great travel planner/Travel Agent who does all the work instead of you and for sure they will do a better job than you because they are professional and experienced at their job.


 Gadgets I Used:

 Apple iPhone 12

 Dell Inspiron 5502

 Camera Stand

                  Laptop Coolpad




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