5 Most Visited Monuments in India

 1. Taj Mahal, Agra

Taj Mahal the wonder of the world is the most visited monument in India and no doubt it is one of the greatest monuments in India for its architecture. Travelling to such places will be a great opportunity for all of us and that is what important for you and for us.

2. Golden Temple, Amritsar

The Golden Temple is the second most visited monument in India and is also a place for worship for the Sikh community and is one of the purest places for them and it is also a great place to visit and listen to stories of bravery of the Sikh community.

3. Meenakshi Temple, Madurai

Meenakshi temple in Madurai is the third most visited place in India and is famous for its great art and architecture, the idols that are made out of a single rock and that too perfect is a great place to visit and have a wonderful time there.

4. Mysore Temple, Karnataka

Mysore Palace is the fourth most visited place in India and the place is very beautiful and full of great small places that are yet to visit in your bucket list of travel to India. Travelling to Mysore palace will surely give you great pleasure.

 5. Gateway of India, Mumbai

The fifth most visited place in India is none other than Gateway of India, within a very crowded city there is a lovely place to visit and will always be and therefore to conclude this blog I would say no matter where you visited but you should have your best fun in that place otherwise it is a total waste.


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